Image Credit- शारदीया नवरात्रिः की द्वितीया तिथि , सर्वशास्त्र के प्रवक्ता वार के स्वामी श्री शुक्र जी को प्रणाम करके आज जीवन के उस रहस्यमयी विज्ञानं की दुनिया म…
Whether Auditing is not a scoring subject in Chartered Accountancy Exams? Many students pursuing their Chartered Accounting course are of opinion that Auditing is not a scoring subject. As a result, …
The Indian Startup Story Abstract The history of the Indian Startup ecosystem is not limited to 21 st century only. It began more than 4 decades ago through the 80s, although in small numbers bu…
We have been celebrating our Independence Day from British Rule for 75 years. We attend many programs on this auspicious day, listen to our top leadership but do ever we feel really ourself free? Her…
अकेला चना भाड़ नहीं फोड़ सकता है यह कहावत हम लोग बचपन से सुनते आये हैं| वैसे तो इस कहावत से आशय है की अकेला आदमी बहुत बड़ा काम स्वयं से नहीं कर सकता| बड़े काम के लिए उसको और भी लोगों से सहयोग लेना ही पड़त…
Image Credit:- AMA and Guruji G. Narayana We have read in earlier articles, how a successful person has to maintain excellence in his life. In addition, we have to save ourselves from mistakes which…