Internal Marketing is an important part of Holistic Marketing. It is a task of hiring, training and motivating such employees who have yearning to serve the customers. Internal marketing is …
Recently one of our Senior advised me to read a book name “Marketing Management” by Philip Kotler. In starting of the book, writer have mentioned 3 new realities of marketing ie Technology, Global…
We used to receive multiple mails from different sources to be beware of fraudulent calls/practices prevailing in Job Market for vacancies and placements. Initially I thought that small consult…
Banking sector is core of Economy. Another crisis in India banking system. After the PMC Bank (Punjab And Maharashtra Cooperation Bank), Yes Bank is on the verge of collapsing. This lead to ma…
In our earlier articles we have discussed about a mankind, why man is different from other species? Why we need to be more responsible etc? In process of becoming responsible towards ourselves…
After waiting for long time finally “THE CODE ON WAGES, 2019” got approval of President of India and published in official Gazette of India. India Labour laws are almost 40-50-year-old. When t…
Three areas of quality management system have yielded assured and sustainable return. Giving due importance to people, process and product brings systematic approach in business and empower ente…
There are millions of people in this world who claim them to be leaders. In organizational level too entrepreneur’s support potential staff for leadership role who have capacity to become leade…
There are immense benefits of working through groups or organisations. What an individual cannot do society can do. Even birds, animals and insects have learnt this truth. They are driving b…
While returning from an internal audit tour I met a gentle man in flight whose age was around 57 years. Since we had reached airport almost 1 hour prior to departure time so started normal ch…
आजकल देश में, देश प्रेम पर बड़ी बड़ी बहस होने लगती है| हम अपने आप को एक दूसरे से बेहतर देश प्रेमी सिद्ध करने में लग जाते ह्नै| यह प्रवृत्ति नौकरी पेशा और बिज़नेसमैन दोनों में हमने देखी है |…