Spiritual Journey-2

Spiritual Journey-2

The purpose of sadhana is develop love in our heart to embark on spiritual path. This pure love is the direct path to God. Love is unbounded in divine. Love is not dependent on whether our prayers are fulfilled or not? The best way to love God is to love all serve all – Sri Sathya Sai Baba
In this chapter we will discuss different path of Sadhana.
Silence-Silence is the first rung of the ladder. The voice of God can be heard in our heart when the tongue and the mind are stilled and the inner storm is subdued. Practice the silence of tongue and mind.  
Namasmarna – It is a means of cleansing the mind. Recite the name of lord with faith and love.
Swarup Dhyanam- Meditation is the engaging of mind and filling oneself with the light that emerges from divine spark within. Real meditation is being absorbed in the thought of God al the time. Feel God, breath God, hear God, live God and Love God.
Satsang- It is must to sprout and sustain the longing for spirituality.
Prayer- It is a hotline between God and a man bringing them together. It may be for offering gratitude or an appeal for his grace. The prayer must be done from heart where God resides and not from head where doctrines and doubts clash. The habit of prayer will inculcate courage and confidence.
Bhajan-   It is singing glory of God. Bhajan singing must be done from yearning, sincerity and faith.
When the spiritual aspirant practices the lessons of seva and upasana together then the flame of wisdom begins to burn brightly. Seva leads on spiritual path of by showing how to serve divine in others. Sadhana goes further by showing that we are all children of same God. By this way we realise that we are not different from God.

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