Role of Parents in Selfless Service

Role of Parents in Selfless Service

Parents have significant role is shaping the society. A child is born in society and becomes ideal person when he learns good manner from his parents. You might have observed children’s blindly copying the behaviours of their elders. Whatever seedling is implanted in the mind of children, one day same appears in society.

If we take the example of Great personalities who have influenced the society like Shivajee, Guru Govind Singh, Mahatma Gandhi and Sathya Sai baba and many more have great parents. They taught the lesson of selfless service to their children and same children became eye and ears to the society and shown path of wisdom. Therefore, as a parent we should develop some qualities so that our children too become instrumental in transforming the society.
Parents must lead an ideal life so that child may follow their footsteps. Parents should have good relationship between themselves. They should not quarrel Infront of children’s, since it effects emotional development of child. Progress in studies must be monitored and encouraged to develop good habits. Baba advises that ‘A human being is in essence a fountain of eternal joy, peace, love and devotion. These need to be cultivated by percept, example and exercise during the formative years.   

Therefore, parents need to live a life where they can set an example of basic human values like truth, right conduct, love, peace and ahimsa. So that their children may follow the same path and transform the society.

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